More Articles from Tag Archives: prenup

This article “Children of divorce want ‘open access’ to both mom and dad, studies show“ about children of divorce is spot-on.  When parents cannot make their marriage work any longer, it can be difficult for them to set aside their only feelings about each other so that they can work together with their ex-spouse to make [...]

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Tamera Mowry-Housely Says Getting A Prenup Is A ‘Smart’ Decision and I agree that a Prenup is a smart choice.  It isn’t about being romantic or about “trusting” the other that the marriage will work out forever.  It is about being smart, being informed, and understanding how you each feel about money and property that [...]

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Deciding whether to have a prenup is a tough decision even for a prince. However, it is probably a good idea regardless of whether you have accumulated wealth right now or not. You are probably going to accumulate lots of wealth during your marriage. Having a prenup is kind of like having insurance or a [...]

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