If you know anyone who has been through a litigated divorce they probably have told you about their frustration, how long it took, and they probably complain about the outcome and the expense.
Fortunately, not every divorce needs to be litigated. In fact, I believe that anyone involved in a divorce does not have to litigate, they can mediate. Mediation can save time, money and stress. Mediation allows the participants to be in control of the legal process rather than the lawyers and judge involved. There will always be lawsuits and the courts will be available in those instances where necessary. However, when it comes to something as personal as family and personal relationships, the court system is not always the right process to resolve such disputes.
In litigation, when the parties “lawyer up” and engage in back and forth negotiations, the cost of the divorce increases with each telephone call and letter which are exchanged and often escalate the controversy until the court is required to make a decision.
In mediation, couples can resolve the issues pertaining to their divorce through a mediator who will facilitate their negotiation. The issues: property settlement, support and child custody and parenting plans are emotionally charged issues that the courts do not have the time, or patience, to hear.
Divorce doesn’t have to be a “knock down drag out” fight and you don’t need to leave these crucial life changing decisions to the lawyers and air them in a trial in court for a judge to decide. Regardless of how “impossible” or “difficult” your might consider your spouse to be on particular issues, there is a better and less expensive option to resolving these issues in a way that you both can live with, on your terms. That alternative, is mediation.
Mediation provides a forum where parties who may seem to be at opposing views on the issues can come together in a neutral setting with a mediator who facilitates a discussion, a conversation, where the parties can reach decisions together and arrive at a win-win outcome.
Divorce need not be an ugly court drama.
Thank you. I just might have to try it!