More Articles from Archive ~ New York

Navigating the real estate market in New York, whether you are a buyer or seller, can be a daunting task.  As a seller, there is a lot that you can and need to do in order to sell your property, find a buyer, get the best sales price and get to the closing table.   If [...]

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Have you ever thought about writing a Will and just haven’t gotten around to it yet?  Or, maybe you might be avoiding the conversation altogether because it’s kinda morbid and you don’t want to even think about your future death. You can continue on that path, or face the reality, as you have heard many [...]

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Inventory is low in the current New York real estate market, and, as a buyer, you will want to set yourself apart from the other buyers.  One of the ways that you can do that, is to show your prospective seller that you have your finances in order.  Soon after signing the contract of sale, [...]

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It’s been a full 3 weeks since Hurricane Sandy blew through the Northeast and changed the lives of many, many people leaving destruction and devastation in it’s wake.  For some, Sandy didn’t have much of an affect and for others, Sandy is and has been and continues to be a humbling experience, an opportunity for [...]

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President Obama and former President Clinton may not believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but in mediation each party is entitled to his or her time and is free to express his or her thoughts, opinions and feelings.  The mediation process is forgiving – in that sense. Now, before you respond and [...]

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  So my headline got your attention, right?  Here is what I mean, the Wall Street Journal published a recent article entitled “Divorcé’s Guide to Marriage: Study Reveals Five Common Themes Underlie Most Divorces.”  (Here is a link to the article.) Essentially, the article outlines 5 mistakes that people make in their relationships and that [...]

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Have you noticed that more and more disputes are being resolved through “arbitration” or “mediation”?  It seems that more and more in the news lately, we have been reading about and hearing about these and other alternative conflict resolution methods – also referred to as alternative dispute resolution, or ADR.  As a mediator, I am [...]

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In my last blog post I shared with you statistical data about the financial impact of divorce upon men and women and how it affects them differently.  I also mentioned that I would share with you how divorcing couples might fare better if they gather the totality of the circumstances.  While some couples may want [...]

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In my last blog post, I shared briefly with you about a presentation I recently gave to inspire attorneys to think outside the box, to consider the totality of the circumstances affecting couples going through divorce.  I presented a series of tough questions that couples face when divorcing and I was about to share the [...]

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