19 Responses to “Demystifying Mediation (and other ADR techniques)”

  1. Lorii Abela July 28, 2012 at 10:32 am #

    The way you presented and clarify the difference between the two terms is great, Sabra. And I also do agree that a mediator always have lots to offer. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Julia Stege July 27, 2012 at 11:19 am #

    I wish more people would use mediation before getting into a big legal battle over divorce or other relationship mishaps. Sometimes it seems to me emotionally immature to fight so badly with the one you once claimed to love more than any one else. Thanks for this educational article.

    Julia D. Stege, MFA
    The Magical Marketer

    Attract Your Tribe and
    Inspire a Revolution!

  3. Sumaya July 26, 2012 at 12:16 am #

    Thanks for such a good clarification between the two terms. I know a few mediators and think it’s an important profession in this crazy world.

  4. Rowena Starling July 25, 2012 at 7:40 pm #

    Yes, I know what a mediator is. One of my best friends is a Mediator. Didn’t know that be get mediator and arbitrator confused or use them interchangeably tho. I’ll be careful.

  5. Lisa Braithwaite July 25, 2012 at 6:41 pm #

    Thanks for this informative article. I do know about mediation, but only because I worked in social services for a long time and it was an integral part of family law practice here. It’s a valuable process and it’s unfortunate that more people don’t choose mediation instead of litigation.

  6. Brad Carpenter July 25, 2012 at 6:06 pm #

    Sarah, what a great article on the subject of mediation v. arbitration. I agree as a few of my family members have gone through mediation for their divorces. It is vital they know the difference. I only wish marriages did not have to even come that close, especially for the sake of the children. Therefore, I’d love to collaborate with you in Growing Healthy Families.

  7. Una Doyle July 25, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    Hi Sabra

    Thanks for the distinctions – when you get teams out of flow then it is so much more likely that misunderstandings and a lack of alignment could result in disputes and even legal action.

    As the old phone advert used to say, “It’s good to talk!”

    Una Doyle

    “I work with corporate leader/managers with Everest-like workloads, who are exhausted attempting to do more with an ever-shrinking pool of resources. I help them to achieve and exceed their numbers, get a good night’s sleep and be able to face themselves in the mirror in the morning.”

  8. Amanda Maynard July 25, 2012 at 5:41 pm #

    My mother has been a trained mediator and negotiator for over 20 years. She started by working with a Farm board as a mediator between financially struggling farmers and their creditors. She was awesome with them!

    I think is it a skill that is needed and should be promoted more for sure.

    Amanda Maynard
    Inner Guidance Coach/Spiritual Mentor

    Grab your copy of “Keys to Getting Unstuck and Connecting with Spirit!”

  9. Kat Bouchard July 11, 2012 at 10:01 pm #

    Very interesting, thanks for explaining the difference between the two terms!

  10. Tina Pruitt July 11, 2012 at 9:52 pm #

    Thanks for the explanation on the difference of the two terms….I worked with an agency for many years and it seemed that they did both. Now that I know the difference, it definitely helps in understanding all that!

    Thanks again…
    xo, Tina

  11. Katie Santos July 11, 2012 at 2:30 pm #

    It was great talking to you yesterday about the prevelance of competition in NYC and the importance I feel in bringing more collaboration into our society.
    This blog resonates with that on so many levels and I am proud to have you as a friend and contemporary, although we work in different fields.

    If any of the women on this thread would like to explore this idea of collaboration, especially in leadership, please feel free to email me at katie@tribal-truth.com and check out what we’re doing in NYC and across the globe for women leaders at http://www.tribal-truth.com

    Looking forward to more of these posts from you, Sabra!


  12. Sarah Yost July 10, 2012 at 5:35 pm #

    I don’t know the difference between any of it. I’m familiar with the show. I’m familiar with the concept of mediation in divorce proceedings. And with business partners who can’t get along–I imagine that’s something else entirely. The whole idea of having someone in place to legally help you work stuff out rather than going the attorney route is fascinating.

  13. Sarah Steele | Managing You Academy July 10, 2012 at 12:27 pm #

    Hi Sabra, I completely agree that mediation has a lot to offer. If more people were prepared to work through issues rather than just start legal proceedings then the world would be a more responsible place. Thanks for spreading the word

    • Sabra July 10, 2012 at 11:56 pm #

      Yes, and I just found out that one of my friends has started a group encouraging more collaborative thinking and communication among colleagues. So many people in NYC (and throughout the world) are reactive, rather than proactive, and are so quick to “fight” and sue, rather than simply talking it out, or bringing in a third-party who can assist in helping them resolve their dispute or misunderstanding.

      If people would learn to see the good in people rather than assume the worst, and realize that most people want a peaceable solution – the world may just be that much more pleasant for all of us.

    • PJ Van Hulle July 25, 2012 at 5:43 pm #

      Yes, Sarah! I totally agree!

  14. Christie Halmick July 10, 2012 at 11:48 am #

    Sabra, Thanks for explaining the differences between mediation and arbitration. Your article brought up a lot of questions for me. (More blog post ideas for you!) Why do you think the trend is going towards arbitration and mediation? Is it faster, less expensive? or is there more access now to different ways to solve conflicts? As a mediator how does your training differ from someone who would arbitrate a conflict?

    • Sabra July 10, 2012 at 11:56 pm #

      Thank you. Duly noted.

  15. Mindy Crary July 10, 2012 at 12:14 am #

    I haven’t heard of any specific techniques or cases, but I know that many people I speak with who are on the brink of divorce hope that they can have an amiable divorce with a mediator–that old cliche of skewing your former loved one in court doesn’t have the same kind of cache as it did ten years ago. I am looking forward to other comments, great post!

  16. Cathy Sykora July 9, 2012 at 6:44 pm #

    BBB does arbitration. I imagine arbitration and mediation would be valuable. Ideally, we would make 100% of our clients so happy that there would be no arbitration or mediation. I think in life and in business, we are better off if we can work it out on our own. If there is an attorney involved, it is almost always my experience to take a loss is less expensive than to pay the attorney (anything under $5,000.00).

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