7 Responses to “Financial Impacts of Divorce – Do It Differently (Part 3 of 3)”

  1. Christie April 11, 2012 at 6:30 pm #

    Sabra – I can relate to the couple you mentioned and their desire not to have a court determine what happens with their children. So glad you were able to give them options and empower them.

  2. Anastasia Valentine April 11, 2012 at 6:14 pm #

    This is a lovely post. Even as someone who is happily married for 16 years every couple goes through their ups, downs and even outs. Couples who respect and honor the relationship they have had even if they acknowledge the time to move on can really use your advice in this series. While it will be a highly emotional experience it doesn’t have to be one that reduces your relationship to only what you say in the presence of a lawyer. Your activities to do even together are the best way to retain and maintain a relationship, even if it is not a marriage with someone who is significant in our lives.

  3. Excellent points and reminders about the alternatives that exist – and that can be so much more useful and constructive than some of the standard or traditional paths to which so many people default.

    While I am happily married, I’ve seen too many dysfunctional divorces simply because there weren’t readily available resources or knowledge of them to help. Your blog is a great step in the direction of educating everyone about those options – and definitely worth sharing!

  4. Laurie Erdman | Chronic Wellness Coach April 11, 2012 at 10:14 am #

    Great words of advice. I am happy to happily married. But these are good things to consider – basically what do we want from life, our relationships, etc. And how do we communicate that. You are doing important work. Thank you.

  5. Yvette April 10, 2012 at 8:18 pm #

    Sabra, what an informative post regardless of ones marital status. Its great to know that even in this situation you can get a mediator (other than a lawyer) to help you assess what is the best course of action for a amicable divorce. This is such good info all women need to be aware of. Your work is so needed & empowering. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Felicity Fields April 10, 2012 at 7:01 pm #

    Hi Sabra – this is really relevant information, regardless of one’s married/divorced state. It’s amazing to me that so many people neglect to go to a third party mediator – there’s always the possibility of getting new, creative ideas that you just haven’t thought of because you’ve been dealing for the issue for too long by yourselves.

    Thanks for a great post!

  7. nasrine April 9, 2012 at 1:17 pm #

    Hi Sabra! I love your write up, it’s so important to learn about even if your married and happy. I have always believed that marriage will be the MOST important contract that a person will sign in their lifetime. Just like all contracts the buyer must beware that at times this contract might dismantle and what happens when it does. Sometimes, it’s powerful to know what to do during the happy chapters of marriage so if in fact it does fall apart all is understood. Your work is empowering and so critical to women everywhere, married, divorce or single, we women need to understand our contacts more and honor the power of one of the most important ones we may enter.

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