More Articles from Tag Archives: Sabra Sasson
It’s been a full 3 weeks since Hurricane Sandy blew through the Northeast and changed the lives of many, many people leaving destruction and devastation in it’s wake. For some, Sandy didn’t have much of an affect and for others, Sandy is and has been and continues to be a humbling experience, an opportunity for [...]
I saw this picture on someone’s Facebook post. I saved it to my computer. It made me smile. What does it do for you?
In my last blog post I shared with you statistical data about the financial impact of divorce upon men and women and how it affects them differently. I also mentioned that I would share with you how divorcing couples might fare better if they gather the totality of the circumstances. While some couples may want [...]
In my last blog post, I shared briefly with you about a presentation I recently gave to inspire attorneys to think outside the box, to consider the totality of the circumstances affecting couples going through divorce. I presented a series of tough questions that couples face when divorcing and I was about to share the [...]
Divorce financially impacts men and women differently post-divorce. One statistic I read indicated that more than half of single female headed households live below the poverty line and experience a dramatic drop in standard of living after divorce whereas men experience a small decline or a rise in standard of living. Surprising? On [...]
February is often referred to as the month of romance. Statistics indicate that “approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.” Wow! That’s a lot of lovers. I hope you’re one of the lucky ones. I hope that you are feeling loved [...]
Whether Married, Single or Just Living Together, if You’re a Renter You May Want to Know These Tips on Getting Your Landlord to Repair Stuff Are one of the reasons you have chosen to rent an apartment due to the relative [...]
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! This is such a wonderful time of the year, isn’t it? Beautiful holiday lights line the streets, city apartment balconies and rural homes. The tree in Rockefeller Center in NYC and ice skating rinks where families and children are out laughing and enjoying time together; the [...]
How does mediation work? What can I expect? Questions I typically hear from clients who come in to my office and want to find out whether mediation really can work for them and their family. Can divorce really be amicable? Can they really end their marriage without the lawyers or judges telling them what they [...]
Picture/toon by: Julia McDaid Happy Thanksgiving! One of my favorite holidays of the year. Enjoy it all.